During the workshop we mentioned different topics and theories the exercises were based on. On this page you will find links to background information and other resources.
Attachment Theory of John Bowlby:
- A short introduction video on attachment theory: The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life (youtube.com).
- Take this (free) self assessment test to find out your attachment style: Attachment Style Quiz: Free & Fast Attachment Style Test (attachmentproject.com).
- Hold me Tight, by Susan Johnson; a popular book of a relational therapist that based her work on attachment theory. This book can help you understand what happens when you and your partner get stuck in a negative dynamic and interaction patterns. Hold Me Tight – Dr Sue Johnson | Van Piere – Eindhoven (libris.nl).
Strenght, super power and survival skills:
- How stress responses work is explained in this video about Polyvagal Theory Trauma and the Nervous System: A Polyvagal Perspective (youtube.com).
- The song ‘Anthem’ by Leonard Cohen with the wise words ‘There is a crack in everything, that is where the light gets in’ Leonard Cohen – Anthem (Live in London) (youtube.com).
- Amy Cuddy’s TedTalk on power pose Amy Cuddy – More confidence in 2 minutes (Condensed Talk) – YouTube and Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy | TED (youtube.com).
Dealing with vulnerability:
- Have a look at ‘Love for imperfect things; how to accept yourself in a world striving for perfection’, by Heamin Sunim Love for Imperfect Things – Haemin Sunim | Libris.
- Make sure you check in with Professor Marc Brackett and his work, eg the book ‘Permission to feel’ Permission to Feel – Marc Brackett.
- Once a month you can join the events of The Brainfreeze Club, an initiative of TU/e students. The Brainfreeze Club.
- The Power of Vulnerability. One of the most viewed TedTalks by Brené Brown Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | TED Talk.
Relating to others:
- This article learns us more about the importance and art of great listening What Great Listeners Actually Do (hbr.org).
- ‘Growth Mindset’ as an empowering attitude towards learning; a video of a short extract of a talk Benjamin Zander – Work (How to give an A) (youtube.com).
- ‘How to know a person’ of that teaches us how to become an illuminator (instead of being a diminisher) of David Brooks How to Know a Person – David Brooks | Van Piere – Eindhoven (libris.nl).
Relating to the world/the Netherlands:
- For (free) language courses you go to SFC500 – Dutch for Beginners I (tue.nl).
- Every Thursday morning from 10.30-12am you can visit the Language café at the library of Eindhoven to practice your Dutch with volunteers from Eindhoven Taalcafé (bibliotheekeindhoven.nl).
- Have a look at this video: Funny Things Dutch People Do (youtube.com) to learn more about the Dutchies.